You hereby acknowledge that nothing contained in our Website, Blog or Services shall constitute financial, investment, legal and/or other professional advice and that no professional relationship of any kind is created between you and Financially Fit Formula or our Members. You also agree that you shall not make any financial, investment, legal and/or other decisions based in whole or in part on anything contained in our Website, Blog or Services. And that you are representing yourself when doing so. You should not disclose any confidential information to Financially Fit Formula.
Although we make strong efforts to make sure our information is accurate, Financially Fit Formula cannot guarantee that all the information contained in our Website, Blog or Services is always correct, complete, or up-to-date.
If you have any questions about how the information contained in our Website, Blog or Services may apply to your situation, and want assurance that this information is appropriate for your particular situation, we recommend you consult with an Attorney or other business professional in your state.