Tag Archives | credit cards

Use Debt Consolidation to Eliminate Personal Debt

Use Debt Consolidation to Eliminate Personal Debt

Total household debt in the United States is over $2 trillion. What’s shocking is that dollar amount does not include mortgage balances owed on our homes. Carrying a balance of consumer debt has become the norm in the United States. If you’re seeing the negative effects of carrying too much debt starting to impact your […]

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Start The New Year By Paying Off Debt

Start The New Year By Paying Off Debt

Debt can feel like a burden on your shoulders weighing you down through every step of life.  Every time that you finance another new purchase with money that you don’t already have, you’re adding weight to that lifelong burden. Make it a resolution that this is the year you remove that burden from your weary […]

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How To Establish Your Credit When First Starting Out

How To Establish Your Credit When First Starting Out

Maintaining a solid credit rating is vital to the future of your personal financial success.  One challenge with credit though, is that it can seem impossible to get offered credit unless you already have established good credit. Starting from scratch with no credit history can make gaining traction in the financial world seem like an […]

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How To Improve Your Credit Score

How To Improve Your Credit Score

The first step to improving anything is to find out where you stand currently.  Obtain a copy of your latest credit report.  Once you have a position established to work from, you will know where you stand and you can take action to raise your score. There are numerous companies that advertise a “free” credit […]

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How Your Credit Card Can Work For You

Many people struggle to manage their credit card balances while keeping their credit score in good standing.  If you apply some of the very simple tips and tricks outlined below for managing balances and monitoring your credit score, you will find that they can be an extremely useful. Instead of slaving away in service of […]

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