Running a busy household can be expensive. Many people end up with less money than there are days in each month. Unless you budget carefully, having many different expenses can lead to costs getting out of control. Without control over your household expenses, you will never be able to add to your savings account each […]
Author Archive | Steve Peters
6 Reasons Why You Need An Emergency Fund
While saving money isn’t always exciting, it only takes one unexpected expense to drastically weaken your financial health. The lack of an emergency fund can leave you forced to take on costly debt in order to pay for critical expenses. Here are six common expenses that require an emergency fund: 1. Medical bills Health care […]
Avoid These Mistakes To Become A 401k Millionaire
If you get started early, it’s a fairly straightforward process to become a 401(k) millionaire. That said, it’s extremely important to avoid making avoidable mistakes. Look at the fact that fewer people are able to retire at 65 today than at any time in history. 30.8% of workers over age 65 are still working just […]
A Quick And Easy Plan To Reduce Debt
Being in even a small amount of debt can keep you up at night. Paying off debt is a simple task, but it can take a long time and a lot of discipline.
9 Car Insurance Tips You Can’t Afford To Miss
Even though you are required by law to carry motor vehicle insurance, that does not mean that you are required to overpay for coverage. The monthly insurance premium is a recurring expense that will have an impact on your budget for as long as you own a car, so it is imperative to shop for […]
10 Ways To Boost Your Income
If you are willing to hustle in your spare time, there are many ways to boost your income. Working on the side for an extra few hours each week can add up significantly over time. Below you will find several ideas for how to do this, but try coming up with a few on your […]
Eliminate Stress By Setting Financial Goals
An important aspect to living a fulfilling life is to have an idea of where you want to go. Setting goals will motivate you, keep you excited, and push you forward to get the most out of a life that’s worth living. This is especially true for your financial life. If this part of your […]
Why October Is The Best Time To Think About Christmas
Get started early in order to eliminate the stress of planning for the holiday season. In order to make Christmas an enjoyable experience for you and your family, even a small amount of forethought goes a long way. The Game Plan When you start early thinking about Christmas you will be able to spot great […]
8 Easy Steps To Getting Financially Fit
It’s important to submit your health to a medical check up often to find out how you’re doing. Your financial life is no different. This is how you can make course corrections that ensure that you’re remaining on the path to success. Your fiscal health effects your total sense of well-being, including self-confidence and happiness […]