Crafting a household budget is never easy, but it can be especially difficult when you don’t have enough income to pay even your most basic bills. It might be because you’re between jobs or currently have a job that doesn’t pay well enough to address all of your expenses. Either way, it’s especially important to […]
Archive | Budget
How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Eating a healthy diet is paramount to your personal well-being, but if you’re struggling in this economy, it can be difficult to get the most out of a meager grocery budget. Having a healthy eating plan and sticking to it diligently can help you get more healthy food at a lower cost, which will allow […]
Money Management 101: How To Start Budgeting
Whether experiencing good times or bad, it is always a good time to make and stick to a monthly or at least yearly budget. Many people cringe at the thought because they believe it to mean that you can’t have any fun or spend any money at all. This is so far from the […]
Tired Of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Here’s what to do
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Many everyday folks are stuck in the never-ending cycle of earning an income, paying bills, and having nothing to show for it at the end of the month. Believe it or not, it’s possible to build a financial cushion and remove much financial stress even without a […]
5 Ways To Survive Your Holiday Shopping Needs
Holiday shopping is a real source of stress for many reasons. Finances, pressure to impress friends and family, and the stress of crowds at the shopping mall. Try some of these simple holiday shopping tips to minimize your stress level and stay on budget. 1. Shop Early It’s much easier to procrastinate for the time […]
How To Avoid Financial Pressures Of The Holiday Season
Financial pressures of the holiday season are often overlooked, but can be extremely stressful. Giving gifts, traveling, and hosting family and friends in addition to monthly expenses can add up to make it an expensive time of year! By making a budget for the holidays early in the year, you can prepare in advance for […]
Top 10 Tips To Reduce Household Expenses
Running a busy household can be expensive. Many people end up with less money than there are days in each month. Unless you budget carefully, having many different expenses can lead to costs getting out of control. Without control over your household expenses, you will never be able to add to your savings account each […]
6 Reasons Why You Need An Emergency Fund
While saving money isn’t always exciting, it only takes one unexpected expense to drastically weaken your financial health. The lack of an emergency fund can leave you forced to take on costly debt in order to pay for critical expenses. Here are six common expenses that require an emergency fund: 1. Medical bills Health care […]
Why October Is The Best Time To Think About Christmas
Get started early in order to eliminate the stress of planning for the holiday season. In order to make Christmas an enjoyable experience for you and your family, even a small amount of forethought goes a long way. The Game Plan When you start early thinking about Christmas you will be able to spot great […]